Dermatoglyphics Multi-Intelligence Test also known as DMIT is one of the most advanced scientific methods that can recognize any person’s innate abilities and talents by analyzing an individual’s fingerprint patterns. DMIT is not limited to any age group and here at Rathi’s Aspire academy, we conduct this test to understand the hidden potential of not only your child but everyone around you. DMIT helps measure the IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ, and SQ of an individual. DMIT is a branch related to genetics, neuroscience, embryology, dermatoglyphics, and psychology. Hence, the accuracy of the test is second to none in the world right now.
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Is Dermatoglyphics testing more inclined towards science or on medical terms?
Dermatoglyphics is inclined towards both. It is based on many sciences such as medical sciences of genetics, embryology, dermatoglyphics, brain science, etc., as well as it is dependent on observation, recording, contrast, inductive learning methods coupled with some clinical experience. It was concluded from the striae that we can accurately analyze multiple intelligences and potential personalities using fingerprints.
Is DMIT testing like Palmistry?
Palmistry or palm-reading is the prediction of the future through the interpretation of lines on the palms whereas, Dermatoglyphics is the analysis and classification of patterns of the skin grains and ridges on fingerprints. DMIT does not predict the future but instead, it gives a comprehensive insight into one’s innate or inborn intelligence distribution, potentials, and preferred learning and communication styles.
To which Age Group is DMIT beneficial?
All age groups can benefit from DMIT. Each age group has a different takeaway from the formulated DMIT report. It can help in introspecting as well as creating a future for each individual. Early identification of a child’s potential aids parents in making judgments about parenting approaches and educational methods. For students who are eager to learn and have the ability to absorb more information, determining their learning styles and intelligence at this age can help them determine which classes and activities they should devote more time to. It serves as guidance for young individuals in determining the best professional route. It is beneficial to professionals in evaluating their career choices and their personality and compatibility with those around them.
How accurate is the DMIT test?
Dermatoglyphics combines neurobiology, genetics, and embryology. Fingerprint patterns are not random but are arranged according to the individual genetic combination.
Our DNA determines our fingerprints, which have a direct link to the structure of our brain. Skin ridges that cannot be changed in one’s lifetime begin to emerge in the 13th week of an embryo in the mother’s womb and are completed by the 24th week. This happens at the same time that the embryo’s brain develops. Based on this correlation of the brain and fingerprint development, the outcome of the DMIT analysis has a very high degree of accuracy.
How is DMIT different from conventional methods?
Dermatoglyphics test is not an IQ test but an intelligent narrowing definition of striae test of multiple intelligences, including linguistic intelligence, logical and mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body – kinaesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, introspective intelligence, and last but not least naturalist intelligence, which is included in the eight intelligence, where “IQ” can be simply summarized as a simple test which takes into consideration only logical and mathematical intelligence test.
How do we know DMIT report accuracy and does it matter who does the consultation?
The accuracy of DMIT reports is determined by the fingerprint analysis program or software and the fingerprint analyst. Getting a DMIT report consultation from a DMIT qualified and experienced Counselor is essential.
Do fingerprints of an individual remain the same for a lifetime?
The “basic” pattern of fingerprints is generated in the mother’s womb and remains the same for the rest of one’s life.